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PvP Rules

From Sanctuary Shard

These PvP Rules apply to 1-on-1 PvP Combat on Cuiviénen (the mainland) that does not include Alliance (Guild) War Combat.

We consider ourselves to be a role-play shard with PvP, we are not a "PvP Shard". PvP is intended to be part of the shard storyline progression. Players are expected to role-play before PvP conflict and followed the documented rules of engagement. For an overview of PvP on Sanctuary please read more ..

PvP Needs a Reason
We assume that those playing on our shard expect that another player has a good role-play reason for wanting to start a PvP fight. We assume those reasons have to do with the mainland storyline and have depth to them. With that said, here are some of the expectations for PvP.
"My character is a bad guy." isn't good enough reason. We expect to see real role-play depth and triggers that occur rarely. If your character's blood lust is triggered by the wind blowing we assume that they are not stable enough to be of any use to the god or gods that wanted to bring them here.
Where you can fight
One on one PvP is only active on Cuiviénen (the mainland).
Right to back down, apologize or walk away.
We require characters to have enough self-control to allow the other character to back down, apologize or walk away. If someone backs down, apologizes, or walks away, this means they cannot be stabbed in the back, verbally attacked or followed. The conflict is considered over and no combat is allowed.
Sneak Attack
We allow for the fact that a character, by its design, might back down from a fight they did NOT start only to look for a more opportune setting to even the score.
  • You have 30 mins, after backing down from a fight to attack the other party one-on-one. You must have been clearly threatened, not just insulted.
  • You can not bring a friend to help you. You can not use another one of your characters. You can not ask someone else to attack them for you.
  • We assume that if you picked a fight with someone you know enough to be on your guard afterwards.
One on One
We assume that the fight is between two people unless their alliances (guilds) are already at war. Given that limitation, it is acceptable for another person to act as your champion, but then you can not participate. This restriction does not apply to alliances (guilds) who are at war with each other.
Looting is completely disabled for 1 on 1 PvP, and most, but not all, items on your corpse at the time of decay will go back into the bank if you are unable to retrieve them. Looting of bodies can only happen between warring alliances (guilds).
We strongly recommend that you turn on your journal logs and don't go OOC at all. Once harsh words have started STAY IN CHARACTER! Going OOC during role-play conflict never improves the conversation, and staff end up having to tell both parties they crossed the line of good IC/OOC manners.
See Also
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