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Talk:Raeyithia Today

From Sanctuary Shard

The Woods are lovely, dark and deep... The Wild Hunt is based in the Kingdom of Raeyithia. There, it calls to the Muiri of the land; offering succor and kinship to those who would join their cousins. To the outside world, the Hunt focuses on craftsmanship, farming, and trade; but their goals run much deeper, and the voices of many are easier to hear than those of the few. All Muiri who are willing to give their oath to the Hunt will be welcomed with open arms, as will other races who have proven their usefulness and loyalty.

The rulership of a kingdom is determined by which estate controls the kingdom capital and thus the Arcanum Crystal in RPCSS. When control of the capital changes thus too may kingdom laws, ordinances, traditions and worship change. It is the responsibility of the Estate owner to update the status of the kingdom here.
Known Banner Houses

None, currently -- but looking for suitable applicants/interested parties!

Current God/Goddess/Pantheon

Queen Mab (Medb), the faerie Queen of troublemakers, hedonism, the midwife of Dream and Nightmare, and consummate courtier. She is capricious

Laws and Ordinances
  • No housing or shop buildings may be currently leased without speaking to town leadership; please have a proposal of how you'd like to contribute!
  • Accepting gifts from the faerie folk -- Do this with extreme caution. It may be something small, but keep in mind you may owe much more than a favor if you choose to accept their gifts.
  • [i]Eating or drinking faerie food or wine -- Keep in mind that normal food (or other things) may never quite sate your appetite again.
  • Names have power -- In faerie country, be extremely careful who (and what) you reveal your full name to. Names have power here.
  • Flattery gets you everywhere! Many faerie are very vain, and will accept gifts/attention quite happily. This may help you out of a sticky situation someday.
Holidays & Festivals
  • End of Summer Festival -- Celebrating fruitful harvests! This is generally an event that occurs spread out over the last few weeks of summer in Raeyithia. The Hunt facilitates an inter-House series of gatherings that includes jousts, feasting, dancing, competitions of every variety, and theatrical performances.
  • The Masque of Phantoms -- Occurring nearer to the end of autumn and approaching Samhain, Raeyithia celebrates in the capitol with an extravagantly elegant and theatrical masquerade ball. All are welcome for this grand event; though violence is generally gently frowned upon (unless it's particularly entertaining).
Mood of the Capital
Generally that of an eternal carnival, festival, or... well, you know, your typical everyday bacchanalia. The capitol has begun to bring in its grape harvest for the fall -- which, though badly stunted due to unfortunate weather, still has contributed to wines and meads far beyond typical human comprehension. A wide variety of Muiri can be found celebrating in the streets, common areas, and crafting halls of the city; depending on the group you run into, there may either be incredible danger, tempting pleasures, or a bit of both, in store for you.
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