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From Sanctuary Shard
Vahonomancy is currently being design as part of the new magic skill system.
This system is in design and the programming for it has not yet been started. We reserve the right to change the design at any time between now and when all five of the magic skills are out of beta testing.
- Notes
- Summons need cast time and potential inturrupts
- Titles should be Shaman, Necromancer, and ________.
Necromancy will be the third of the new spell systems to be implemented. The other four are Evocation, Influxion, Druidry, and Mysticism. The primary drive for each spell system will be to fill a specific combat style while having a role-play flavor. The five systems are intended to be taken in combinations of 2, 3, or even 4. They are not intended to be "solo skills". The support skills for the new spell systems will be Evaluate Intelligence for all damage spells and Spirit Speak for all beneficial spells.
The normal UO magic system involves casting the spell, often with a long cast time, and then targeting. The new systems will have significantly shorter cast times but longer cool-downs. Most of the combat spells will be designed to eliminate the need for targeting after casting. Instead, spell-casters will determine their target either via use of the .nexttarget command or by pulling up the mob's bar and double-clicking it to change target. This should seriously reduce the "click factor" of the current UO game system but does slightly increase the possible threat.
Necromancy will be renamed to Vahonomancy to better represent its role as a summoning system. The skill will have three skins which will determine the type of summons; shamanic, demonic, and necrotic. Vahonomancy uses Evaluate Intelligence as its support skill and a basic Vahonomancer build is Vahonomancy, Evaluate Intelligence, Meditation, and Spirit Speak. Spirit speak is included because it has a magical personal heal and will replace anatomy as the support skill for beneficial spells, however it is not required for the effectiveness of Vahonomancy.
This build should be as reasonably effective as a four skill Tamer build. It is assumed that a full build will include one or more of the other magic skills.
Vahonomancy uses 4 summons which each have their own special ability. The summons all behave slightly different and are used differently to manage a combat scenario. Summons will use their special ability on their own, but the caster can expend mana to force the summon to use the special ability on command via a spell.
All the summons, except the horde, take one of 5 pet slots.
Combat Spells
Role-Play Spells
Not yet implemented
- Summon death robe -- replace icon
- TBD File:Vahonomancy12.jpg
- Draw Blood Circle
Skills on Sanctuary use our Grimmwold methods for skill training, including passive gains, 2 min timer activation, no difficulty checks, more than 1300 skill points using a .spec setting, and so on. In addition, you can purchase limited training from NPCs as well as advanced " book skills" both of which are available on Master NPCs. Read More ..
- Low skill levels can be trained by one of the Master NPCs.
- The books for crafting book skills can be purchased at the Master NPCs.