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Talk:Animal Taming

From Sanctuary Shard

Revision as of 20:54, 21 June 2020 by Lyrrin (talk | contribs) (Stats and Skills)

This is Lyrrin's sandbox page, for detailing how the new taming system works and finding places that need tweaking.

Stats and Skills

General idea
Level 1 (AOE)
Lowest hit points, stats, and skills, but you can have up to 5 of them
All combat skills
Balanced str and dex, low int
Level 2 (Ranged)
Heavy emphasis on magic skills, but can train melee skills
Moderate str, low dex, high int
Level 3 (Healer)
Emphasis on combat skills, weak magery for healing/cure. Adult gets boosted to a moderate amount of magery.
Mostly balanced stats, str > dex and int
Level 4 (High damage)
All combat skills. Slightly higher HP than L3, much lower HP than L4
High str, moderate dex, low int, for high damage combat
Level 5 (Tank)
All combat skills. Highest HP, but lower stats than L4.
Stat total equivalent to L3 but distributed differently. High str, moderate dex, low int.

All special attacks will use stamina. This leaves L2 and L3 able to do fewer special attacks, as a trade-off for being able to cast spells or heal while still doing melee combat.

Baby Pets

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Hit Points 50 70 80 90 120
Str 100 75 100 140 120
Dex 100 50 75 100 100
Int 25 110 70 25 25
Stat Total 225 235 245 265 245
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Wrestling 50 30 60 65 70
Tactics 50 0 60 65 70
Anatomy 50 0 0 65 70
Magic Resist 50 55 60 65 70
Magery 0 55 30 0 0
Meditation 0 55 30 0 0
Eval Int 0 25 0 0 0
Skill Total 200 220 240 260 280
Skill Caps 80 80 80 80 80

A baby pet will grow up into an adult as soon as any of its skills reaches 80. With the current setup this means it will take longer to train a level 1 than it will take to train a level 5. I actually like this, since you can simultaneously train 5 L1's together but can only train one L5 at a time. Having L5 need less time to get to adult sounds like a fair tradeoff to me and a "benefit" of GM-ing taming. This does cause a problem with balance though, if training a L5 to 80 turns it into a 4-GM pet. Should their skills just go to 80?

IDEA: Higher taming = faster pet skill gain?

Adult Pets

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Hit Points 100 150 200 225 300
Str 125 75 125 175 155
Dex 125 50 90 125 125
Int 25 170 90 25 25
Stat Total 275 295 305 325 305
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Wrestling 80 * 80 85 90
Tactics 80 * 80 85 90
Anatomy 80 * * 85 90
Magic Resist 80 80 80 85 90
Magery 0 80 60 0 0
Meditation 0 80 * 0 0
Eval Int 0 80 0 0 0
Skill Total 320 >350 >330 340 360
Skill Caps 110 120 130 140 150
"*" denotes that these skills are left at the pet's current skill level.


The following rules apply to all pets
  • All pets will attack a given target with the "kill" command. When the target dies, the pet returns to the owner's side and switches to "guard" mode.
  • Pets will only attack mobs that are attacking their owner or themselves, in that order.
  • As with attacking, if the target mob dies the pet will return to the owner and stay in "guard" mode.
  • Pets will stay at your side and not attack anything. They will ignore any mobs that attack them.
  • Pet follow speed has been increased so that they keep up with you when you are running or mounted.
  • If a pet gets more than 16 tiles away from you, it will teleport to your side. It will also do this while attacking or guarding.
Level 1 - Split up to attack multiple targets
  • When given the 'kill' or 'all kill' command, each L1 pet from the same owner will attack a different target within 5 tiles of the original target.
  • If there aren't enough targets in range, they will split up existing in-range targets between them.
  • L1 pets do not care about what L2+ pets are doing, so they may attack the same target as an L2+ pet from the same owner.
  • Because peripheral target selection is not under the player's control, L1 pets are hard-coded not to attack their owner, other players, anyone's pets or summons, or anything that will flag the owner as criminal, even on the mainland where PvP is allowed.
  • L1 pets will split up and attack different targets, but only ones that are currently attacking their owner.
  • Targeting restrictions for attacking do NOT apply for guarding. If a player or their pet attacks the owner, L1 pets will attack back. (Lyrrin double-check that this is true)
Level 2 - Ranged (magery) attack
  • L2 pets primarily attack with spells, with close-range melee as a backup.
  • To attack with spells, L2 pets need reagents. Players can drag/drop reagents onto the pet or open their backpack and put reagents inside.
  • If they run out of reagents, they will say, "*Stops casting to look around for more reagents*". This message is throttled to only happen every 1 minute, to avoid spamming. While out of reagents, they will revert to melee combat.
  • As long as they are able to cast, they will try to stay 3 tiles away from the mob they are attacking to avoid getting hit.
  • If they run out of mana, they will revert to close-range melee attacks until they have more than X mana (Lyrrin needs to re-evaluate this in light of the new regen code)
  • If a mob attacks their owner, L2 pets will guard by casting spells or doing close-range melee the same way they attack.
  • If no mobs are currently attacking the player, L2 pets will meditate. When they start meditating, they will say, "*Settles into a trance, regaining energy*". This message is also throttled to every 1 minute to avoid spamming.
Level 3 - Healer
  • In addition to melee combat, L3 pets can heal themselves, their owner, and their owner's other pets.
  • To heal, L3 pets need reagents. Players can drag/drop reagents onto the pet or open their backpack and put reagents inside.
  • If they run out of reagents, they will say, "*Stops casting to look around for more reagents*". This message is throttled to only happen every 1 minute, to avoid spamming. While out of reagents, they will not be able to heal and will do melee combat.
  • Healing takes priority over combat. L3 pets will attempt these actions in order: Cure a poisoned owner/pet, cast greater heal, cast heal, do melee combat.
  • Healing/cure has a cooldown of 10-15 seconds before any heal/cure action can be used again. The cooldown is dependent on the owner's taming skill. 60 taming = 15 seconds, 100 taming = 10 seconds.
  • If the pet runs out of mana, they only do melee attacks until they have enough mana to cast cure or heal again.
  • If a mob attacks their owner, L3 pets will guard by healing or doing melee combat the same way they attack.
  • If no mobs are currently attacking the player, L3 pets will meditate. (Lyrrin double-check this is true)
Level 4 - High Damage
  • L4 pets do close-range melee combat.
  • L4 pets follow standard pet guarding rules.
Level 5 - Tank
  • L5 pets do close-range melee combat.
  • L5 pets follow standard pet guarding rules.
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