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Application Guidelines
From Sanctuary Shard
Revision as of 20:40, 6 August 2019 by MamaWillow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "category:Application ;Account #We expect one account per player and reserve the right to investigate if accusations of cheating or meta gaming become prevalent. Otherwise...")
- Account
- We expect one account per player and reserve the right to investigate if accusations of cheating or meta gaming become prevalent. Otherwise we hope to simply ask everyone to play fair.
- You may use all five of your character slots, but you can only have one RPCSS account.
- Race
- There are five main categories of races, you must choose one of those five categories and abide by their limitations. Otherwise, you may be of any sub-race that you wish with the following restrictions.
- Individual sub-races who have non-human avatars are restricted to available 2D UO graphics. Read More ...
- There are no skill or stat modifications based on race (at this time).
- Shard lore and politics are intended to group characters by moral/ethical lines rather than racial lines.
- Arrival in the World
- Player characters are brought into Sanctuary by either one of the character's own gods or by one of the three main forces of Sanctuary; Ancalagon the Black, Jormungandr, or the Grey Rider.
- Player characters can have arrived anytime on Sanctuary in the last 10 years. This maybe a necessary fiction for anyone who is interested in creating a Noble House.
- Kingdom
- There are five kingdoms in Sanctuary and player characters are encouraged, but not required, to choose a kingdom to join either at the time of application or soon after.
- We understand that our players have a tendency toward loner behavior -- however, be advised that the shard storyline is geared at characters who have kingdom allegience.
- Backstory
We are not looking for a literary presentation, rather simply to understand the situation of your character's arrival so that we can head off any misunderstandings at the time of application.
- As stated elsewhere, the application team is looking for a basic backstory of less then 400 words that simply explains what the character was doing prior to arriving in Sanctuary.
- Additionally, if your character has been here for more then a few months, what the character was up to during that time. A time line of the last ten years will be made available shortly, until then, just keep this brief, i.e. perfecting my crafting skills, in a leadership position of a noble house, starting a pirate gang, etc.