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Kingdom of Miðrvegr

From Sanctuary Shard

Revision as of 00:14, 11 June 2019 by Daisy (talk | contribs)

Fancy description

“Power is not given, but taken!” Is a motto of Miðrvegrians.

The kingdom of Miðrvegr where the cold waters of distant shores collide is home to only the strong. Renowned for their ability to navigate uncharted seas, adventure is intertwined in the very fabric of inhabitants. Only interested in the present and future, residents pay little heed to the past, save for the oral tradition of honoring ones ancestors. Life is what you make of it and a life worth remembering like drawing breath on the morrow, is never guaranteed.

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Ambitious, reckless, physically strong, coarse in both speech and mannerisms, strong sense of kin.
Those who are weak are enslaved.
Given the very nature of Sanctuary, new languages and words enter the kingdom daily. Language develops slowly, while slang can develop very quickly. The villagers, in all places except Emlyn, have become used to new words, especially those of the ruling class which are often picked up quickly by the younger generation. In general, however, there are some trends that exist across the realms. Read More ...
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The native people of Sanctuary are have become accustomed to unusual and sweeping changes in the leadership and ruling class of their individual kingdoms as noble houses, both great and small ever vie for control of the lands. This fiction is brought to life in the web-based game RPCSS which allows for player teams to compete for control of estates, strongholds, castles and the five capitals. However, each kingdom has its own traditions of leadership, some of which have been in implementation for centuries.
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