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House Mythalvian
From Sanctuary Shard
House Mythalvian, one a Valgarin noble house of Comraich, has reformed on Sanctuary has a primarily Aelfeyn and shape-shifter noble house. We follow Yrsa, a northern triple goddess, her companions Fenrir and Grimnar and her husbands Manannan Mac Air and Lugh-Tyr. We are a banner house to Valdrdomr and Raven's Kiss.
- House Leader
- Brea Wynne Wistari
- Kitsune Asajiro
- Hrabane Mythalvian
- How to contact us
- Lara #9755 in Discord
- Events
- Due to our status as a banner house, we create joint events with Valdrdomr and Raven's Kiss and attend their events. Our weekly event is usually held in the EST mornings or later afternoon depending on who needs to be available, otherwise we are on in the EST evenings.
- Current Status
- House Mythalvian is a banner house to Valdrdómr (The Wolfs Judgment) and sworn to Raven's Kiss, the ruling house of Kraestret.
You can include anything else in here that you like; suchas the name of your castle, what your colors are, who's in charge of what.
Brea rested her fingers in her lap as she answered Elliana's questions regarding her intentions for the new house. "My goals are two fold, the first is perhaps the most important to me. I follow a goddess named Yrsa, she is a tiple goddess. Battle maiden, earth mother and crone. She has within her court other gods, two are the great wolf Fenrir and the god of magic Grimnar. She is mated to a Sea God, and a God of Law & Craftsmen. I know her, I have served her my whole life, as have my people for two thousand years in a stable society ruled by ethical nobleman and a democrateic process we call a thing or a moot. I would see my goddess and these traditions used to unite the north and to forever end the tyranny of the thorn king and the destruction of our world by those who have no care of the land."