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From Sanctuary Shard

Revision as of 00:38, 17 September 2019 by Baene (talk | contribs)

Precision is the pinnacle practice for those who are trained in the art of war.

The warrior specializing in precision can perform a variety of special abilities that mostly are defensive in nature - but can be used to quickly and honorably defeat the toughest of opponents.


Training precision on Sanctuary works like all of the other skills, and can be trained by casting any of the spell abilities.

Precision-based enhancements

The Champion receive several passive benefits based on their Precision proficiency.

Passive Ability Description
Parrying A character with Precision as well as the Parrying skill will be able to block with a weapon, though their defense chance with an actual Shield is lowered as they progress as a Champion. Chance to block can be calculated using the formulas on the Parrying page. The Evasion ability (see below) will further enhance your ability to parry with weapons as well as avoid direct spell damage.
Perfection Perfection is an ability that grants a damage bonus dependent on the amount of consecutive hits you deal to a certain target. It is not activated directly; in order to use it you must have at least 50 Bushido skill points and then Honor a target creature. Perfection may not be used against other players.

Once this is done, every successful blow will increase your perfection while a miss will lower it. As your level increases, each strike will deal more and more damage (to a maximum of a 100% bonus at the highest level), so the use of equipment with a Hit Chance Increase bonus is desirable. The Bushido ability Lightning Strike is also useful for sustaining a combo.

If you defeat your target while at the highest level of perfection, you will regain some Hit Points, Stamina and Mana. Once the target creature is slain, you lose all perfection and must start over when you honor the next. Originally, perfection could also be used against players, however a later publish removed the ability to Honor them.

Your effective Luck level is also boosted by ten percent of your squared perfection score. At its maximum, this score is 100, so therefore the best luck bonus is (100^2)/10 = 1000.

War Mount (Lesser Hiryu) At 90 skill, it becomes possible to use Precision in place of Animal Taming for the purpose of controlling and riding Lesser Hiryus, Nightmares, Unicorns, War Steeds.

Spell Abilities

Spell Stamina Minimum Skill Duration Area of Effect
Honorable Execution 5 45.0 6 to 10 seconds Caster
A successful use imparts a 10 second Dex Increase and restores roughly 8 to 10 Hit Points, adjusted upwards per level of Perfection. An unsuccessful use yields a 6 second reduction in magic resist and AR.
Counter Attack 5 50.0 Next successful Parrying Caster
Places you in a defensive stance that allows you to automatically counter attack the next time you successfully parry, without interrupting your normal swing timer. The Counter Attack, functions like a normal weapon attack, it is just a bonus swing and takes normal hit and miss ratios into account, and therefore can miss.
Lightning Strike 10 60.0 Instant Caster
Allows a single attack with a 50% Hit Chance Increase. Also, some hits under the effect of a Lighting Strike will be deemed Critical Hits and will do extra damage.
Confidence 10 65.0 4 Caster
A defensive stance that allows Stamina and Hit Points gain with each successful parry. Each such parry will heal 1 to (Precision / 12) hit points, and refresh stamina for 1 to (Precision / 5). Also increases Stamina and Hit Point Regeneration rate for 4 seconds upon activation. The increased rate is halted if hit during the 4 second duration. (Max HP Healed=\frac{Precision^2}{576}+15\)
Evasion 10 70.0 3 to 6 seconds with a 2 second bonus if your Precision is above 100.0 and both Tactics and Anatomy are 100.0 or better Caster
Increases your chance to parry, also grants the ability to parry direct damage attacks from other sources, such as spells and Dragons Breath. Evasion can only be used once every 20 seconds. The chance to block is based on Precision, Anatomy, and Tactics. The duration of Evasion is also influenced by these skills.

You can only cast Evasion with a weapon equipped.

What if I swap weapons or get disarmed during evasion? When you switch weapons whilst under the evasion spell, a check is performed on each attack of your current weapon, meaning if you start evading with a one handed weapon, and switch to a 2 handed weapon, you will receive the evasion bonus of a 2 handed weapon whilst the 2 handed weapon is equipped.

If you're disarmed you will not be able to evade, the evasion buff however will remain because if you re-arm you will continue to evade.

Momentum 10 85.0 Instant Caster
Works only on multiple targets. A successful hit on an opponent results in another hit attempt on a different, adjacent opponent. Normal hit and miss ratios apply. A damage bonus of 100% is applied to the second target, if the first target is killed.
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